Miskatonic 3
Status: Inactive/Completed (turns will not process)

Atlantis Engine: v4.2.127
Rulesset: Miskatonic v1.0.35

Current Turn: #32 (August, Year 3)
Current Players: 23
Players Submitted: 8
Players Remaining: 10

Turn Frequency: All players submitted only
Time Elapsed: 3 years, 7 months, 3 weeks, 2.1699999999983 hours
Next Turn: n/a

First Player Submitted Reward: 50 unclaimed silver
Early Submitter Reward: 100 unclaimed silver (first 24 hours)
Atlantis Times:
     Article Reward: 100 unclaimed silver
     Rumor Reward: 50 unclaimed silver

The Atlantis Times
Turn 9 (September, Year 1)

There are rumours that some good alignment factions are nearby.
Lets wait and see what happens.

     – Al Garb (12)
The vast gaps between areas where those of my alignment can recruit are causing difficulties, as the land is full of difficult terrain. Oh for somewhere I can produce horses!

     – Children of the Four Winds (19)
ClanJaguar rejoices at finding HillDwarves,
so rare in prior worlds. But we still are
seeking Mountain Dwarves and Centaurs
to add to the Clan.

     – ClanJaguar (8)
Communication channels have now been cleared. All who oppose the forces of evil may contact us for protection and cooperation.

     – The Defenders (9)
We had our first tourist visiting the town. He complained that 5 silver was too much for a beer, but he just doesn't know all that it takes to brew it. The health department doesn't know either, and we want to keep it that way.

     – Fanhunters (21)
Hammerheads observed that after attacking other faction - that faction talks. It's bad behavior, but Hammerheads are evil - whatever this word means here.

     – Hammerheads (14)
Finally the first meeting with potential clients of our farming activity! Not a super friendly, yet, but good. And we are going to make it even better, the most important is a satisfied client in the long term.

     – Joyful People (10)
People still being turned away from our boarders, still no communications. Maybe the carrier pidgin has got lost.

     – Malibuwest (15)
"so, how are the ogres doing"
"ahm, sir, they did not want to enter our service"
"so offer more money"
"that is not it, sir"
"because they do not value money?"
"no sir, because they are evil and will not work for you if you do not openly declare your evil alignment as well"
"then send out one of our two servants that came with us from the nexus"
"about that, ahm"
"what now?"
"they actually did not follow us out of the nexus, sir"
"you can only speak in jest?"
"no sir, unfortunately not ..."
"I have clearly cast the spell around them as well."
"and yet, they have remained where they stand, sir."
"It is getting more easy by the minute to actually and truthfully lean towards the evil side"

     – Nekojin Empire (28)
In spite of their savage nature, Gnolls have placed a very strong value on the family, respecting blood ties perhaps more than any other aspect of a relationship.
So I had to bind myself by blood to one of these pack leaders to expand into the region.
Although of a beauty above the standards of his race, my new fiance does not please me more than that...

     – The Scoured Legion (18)
Pointy sticks and hard clubs are exacly what we need. Stab and smash, stab and smash.

     – Skulls (26)
"Ahh, charcoal. Perfect. We'll barbecue some ribs tonight." said Zodd after the wildfire died off running out of fuel after it completely consumed the dry part of the swamp.
"Burrrn, my friend, care to tell me why you burned down all these trees? Were you practicing your fire magic? again" asked Edwin.
"No. Burrrn help build boat." said the ogre.
"With fire?" asked Edwin "Please explain."
"Small folk said they have no axe. They need fire to shape boat. Burrrn think big fire big boat. But fire too big. Sorry." explained the ogre sheepishly.
"My friend, you can't build boats by throwing fireballs at trees. The fire needs to be applied after the trees are cut down to shape canoes out of tree trunks or to bend and harden the planks the boat will be made out of." said Edwin.
"Uh-huh." said the ogre scratching his head then nodded and headed back to camp.
"And now he's on his way to try his luck with the wood we stockpiled up at the drydock." said Edwin to himself and ran after the ogre to stop him once again cursing the day he decided to recruit ogres as his apprentices.

     – Wandering Monsters (16)
- Your majesty, our scouts met Hydra.
- What is it look like?
- We don't know. The scouts are cold like stone and not replying to questions.

     – Windmasters (13)

The hunt for the evil faction is started. Let the party begins.
"tup-tup-tup", a hedgehog stomps his feet.
"hrum-hrum-hrum". a rabbit eats a carrot.
Who is there, running down the street?
The Death and the Vengeance are cutting your throat.
Someone is going to pay for it. It is my silver not yours!
Do crocodiles drop boots of levitation? Let's check it out.
It would be pretty funny if naming you faction "Wandering Monsters" somehow attracted Wandering Monsters.

My faction will be renamed "Scarlett Johansen" to test that theory.
Wandering monsters or Wandering monsters (16) is there a difference? Intelligence perhaps but which has more?
Surely the most vicious tax on this world has to be the syntax - completely unforgiving.
The biggest threat is yet to arrive on this world.
You can hear a baby cooing inside one of the eggs on an eagle's nest on Frykte peak.
Children of the Four Winds[19] intoxicated with his vain science, is in fact a fool.
Go away! Go away! Bad Kraken! Very bad Kraken! Go to Windmaster - they need beating.

Atlantis Tools v1.108 (5/1/2023)