Miskatonic 3
Status: Inactive/Completed (turns will not process)

Atlantis Engine: v4.2.127
Rulesset: Miskatonic v1.0.35

Current Turn: #32 (August, Year 3)
Current Players: 23
Players Submitted: 8
Players Remaining: 10

Turn Frequency: All players submitted only
Time Elapsed: 3 years, 8 months, 1 day, 23.580000000002 hours
Next Turn: n/a

First Player Submitted Reward: 50 unclaimed silver
Early Submitter Reward: 100 unclaimed silver (first 24 hours)
Atlantis Times:
     Article Reward: 100 unclaimed silver
     Rumor Reward: 50 unclaimed silver


There are 30 articles for this faction.

The General asked the Vain Scientist to analyse what had gone wrong. Apparently, the way ahead was to make a huge number of daggers and equip as many cheap soldiers as possible to overwhelm the enemy.
"What about our planned flying army?" asked the General.
"Alas, it seems this world has no winged horses - another one of your strategies will never come into play."

     – Children of the Four Winds, Turn 31 (July, Year 3)
The Ambassador sent out more letters. Hopefully there were some factions out there not completely bent on eliminating everything around them, and that there might be the chance to build something lasting.

     – Children of the Four Winds, Turn 30 (June, Year 3)
An uneasy peace was still in force, but the Ambassador was worried that any truce was fragile and could break at any second. What will happen when it does?

     – Children of the Four Winds, Turn 29 (May, Year 3)
The Vain Scientist was disappointed - no wolves or giant boars showing up in the underworld. How were people supposed to move around when there was nothing for them to move with? Perhaps it would be quicker to try and settle the shores of the underocean and build an underground ferry service.

     – Children of the Four Winds, Turn 28 (April, Year 3)
The Vain Scientist was proud this week - orders submitted after 23.99 hours, thereby achieving maximum efficiency by allowing the most time to consider orders without missing out on economic bonuses.

     – Children of the Four Winds, Turn 27 (March, Year 3)
The Vain Scientist pronounced "We shall produce maces. Everyone else is going for swords, we may as well be stylish while we equip our armies."

     – Children of the Four Winds, Turn 26 (February, Year 3)
The Vain Scientist sighed as another chisel broke against the wood samples from the south. What was to be done with this impossibly dense wood?

     – Children of the Four Winds, Turn 25 (January, Year 3)
The Vain Scientist considered the clouds. Strange how little effect the weather had on movement, but how great its effect could be on crops. He asked the council for funds to research the weather, but alas there were other priorities.

     – Children of the Four Winds, Turn 24 (December, Year 2)
The Vain Scientist looked at the rock sample. This metal defied analysis, but would be amazing if turned into armour. Now to have the dwarves survive long enough to train armourers.

     – Children of the Four Winds, Turn 23 (November, Year 2)
The Ambassador asked the Vain Scientist how things were going. The Vain Scientist explained that using the scientific measure of the bodycount, things looked all right. However, a pesky assassin had killed the horse transport taking horses into the mountains, leaving behind nothing but a bloody red cap.

     – Children of the Four Winds, Turn 22 (October, Year 2)
Evil groups were forcing their way on to the plains, no doubt to recruit from the hobgoblin tribes that live near the coast. The Ambassador asked the army to retreat to minimise losses.

     – Children of the Four Winds, Turn 21 (September, Year 2)
The Ambassador smiled. It seemed the good factions of the world were perfectly willing to negotiate with each other - maybe there would be room to hold back the evil. For now, beginning to explore the seas to find more allies would be a start.

     – Children of the Four Winds, Turn 20 (August, Year 2)
"Land ho! Look, there's some land over there!"
The prospect of a new island - or was it a peninsula of the southern continent - was tempting. A longboat could cross this, but they seemed to require as many sailors as a galleon - truly this would be difficult.

     – Children of the Four Winds, Turn 19 (July, Year 2)
The Vain Scientist turned his gaze towards metallurgy. "Quick, we must find good sources of iron! Try and secure better mountains than this thin strip of metal-deficient land! Send scouts down any shaft they can fit in"

     – Children of the Four Winds, Turn 18 (June, Year 2)
The Vain Scientist showed off the latest discovery - a longship, to determine how long it would to be attacked and whether krakens or merfolk would attack first! Truly, a great day for science.

     – Children of the Four Winds, Turn 17 (May, Year 2)
Reports of dead halflings were coming in. It seemed the evil faction was spreading north, not caring who got in their way. Time to build a fortification!

     – Children of the Four Winds, Turn 16 (April, Year 2)
The Ambassador was waiting for news from the vain scientist, when the scouts came back with reports. It seemed that evil factions were surrounding the Children of the Four Winds on all sides. Perhaps it was time to open negotiations?

     – Children of the Four Winds, Turn 15 (March, Year 2)
Of all the Vain Sciences, none is vainer than the art of taxonomy. We shall defy the usual naming conventions, and the creature some call "dragon" we shall "soldier-devouring-lizard". We shall be keeping a keen eye out for "ambushers-in-the-dark" (trolls).

     – Children of the Four Winds, Turn 14 (February, Year 2)
The underworld first looked like it might be a safe haven. Sadly, there are a lot of troll packs and the odd tower stuffed full of drow.

     – Children of the Four Winds, Turn 13 (January, Year 2)
The Vain Scientist looked at the corpses. His autopsy findings suggested a massive merfolk assault had caused the casualties.

     – Children of the Four Winds, Turn 12 (December, Year 1)
The Vain Scientist, the newest child of the Four Winds, was happy to become a member of this fine civilisation. When asked what he would do, he said the first science to be studied would be the secrets of the ocean. After all, the pirates and merfolk keep posing a threat.

     – Children of the Four Winds, Turn 11 (November, Year 1)
The sole surviving minion handed The Ambassador a copy of the Times with a glass of port. "So, people are calling me a fool! I'd like to see them do better against the inland pirates miles from the sea, or the troll pack, or the dragon!"

     – Children of the Four Winds, Turn 10 (October, Year 1)
The vast gaps between areas where those of my alignment can recruit are causing difficulties, as the land is full of difficult terrain. Oh for somewhere I can produce horses!

     – Children of the Four Winds, Turn 9 (September, Year 1)
Even more people coming to join this tiny crowded corner of the world. No wonder Malibu West (which suggests there must be a Malibu East even further east of me) feels boxed in!

     – Children of the Four Winds, Turn 8 (August, Year 1)
The General looked at the reports received from the scouts. "There's a dragon lair HOW close to the gate?"
The Ambassador looked at his reports, and said "there are HOW MANY factions nearby, and we're already being blocked?"
It seems this is a very crowded world. The committee met, and decided the moment there are spare tax funds to start chopping down trees for a longship out of this area.

     – Children of the Four Winds, Turn 7 (July, Year 1)
I found a city! And so did two other factions...oh this world IS small. Still, 300 city guards is more than 3 pyromancers can manage, it will be a while before the city is conquered. The question is, will I get enough troops before the monsters reach me?

     – Children of the Four Winds, Turn 6 (June, Year 1)
Whoops! The turn after I choose my alignment, my scouts discover really good recruiting grounds for the opposire alignment. You live and learn eh?

     – Children of the Four Winds, Turn 5 (May, Year 1)
Truly, we have landed in a blessed area! No-one sharing our gate yet, and plenty of mountains. No sign of settlements or anything with a large tax base, so no-one will come looking for this land yet.

     – Children of the Four Winds, Turn 4 (April, Year 1)
We finally made it through the gate! Now to find some members of a race worth recruiting, and see how far we are from the others.

     – Children of the Four Winds, Turn 3 (March, Year 1)
Here we go again! Will the Children of the Four Winds get to grips with this new world, or will they scatter to the winds in search of the elusive perfect recruiting spot?

     – Children of the Four Winds, Turn 1 (January, Year 1)

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