Miskatonic 3
Status: Inactive/Completed (turns will not process)

Atlantis Engine: v4.2.127
Rulesset: Miskatonic v1.0.35

Current Turn: #32 (August, Year 3)
Current Players: 23
Players Submitted: 8
Players Remaining: 10

Turn Frequency: All players submitted only
Time Elapsed: 3 years, 8 months, 1 day, 2.2599999999984 hours
Next Turn: n/a

First Player Submitted Reward: 50 unclaimed silver
Early Submitter Reward: 100 unclaimed silver (first 24 hours)
Atlantis Times:
     Article Reward: 100 unclaimed silver
     Rumor Reward: 50 unclaimed silver


There are 21 articles for this faction.

Congrats Hammerheads and Skulls
The Jaguars are unable to slow the assault of evil in this corner of the world

     – ClanJaguar, Turn 28 (April, Year 3)
Hmm, the war is not going well.
Definitely these evil guys know how to grow armies faster than I do.

     – ClanJaguar, Turn 25 (January, Year 3)
Well, charging forward did not work.
Let's try charging to the rear this month.
It can't be worse, and at least we can plunder our own supplies.

     – ClanJaguar, Turn 24 (December, Year 2)
Was told to "charge", so let's see what happens,
could be premature but easy to wait too long as well.

     – ClanJaguar, Turn 23 (November, Year 2)
Clan Jaguar doesn't intend to lay down for the forces of "evil".
But I will admit the forces in Inaet are looking scary.
Fear will motivate a new level of growth to our armies, no slacking off!

     – ClanJaguar, Turn 22 (October, Year 2)
The plains are great for growing taxers, but seem
to have little to build weapons with - just a few
scrub trees here and there. The Clan Elders proclaim:
go to the hills and get some mining going!

     – ClanJaguar, Turn 21 (September, Year 2)
To Children of the Four Winds [19]
Request to please contact Clan Jaguar.

(Meanwhile ... should have been looking to build a tower earlier, argh)

     – ClanJaguar, Turn 19 (July, Year 2)
The border skirmishes are increasing, the Clan must prepare
for war before it's too late. Or is it already?

     – ClanJaguar, Turn 17 (May, Year 2)
Nothing seems to happen quickly when people
demand such high prices before joining the
Clan. We must redouble our efforts to recruit
new tax collectors.

     – ClanJaguar, Turn 15 (March, Year 2)
A Dragon! This hobbit hole turns out to
not be so cozy after all. But since scouts
are crunchy, we can make more ...

     – ClanJaguar, Turn 12 (December, Year 1)
Hmm, a hole in the ground. I wonder where it leads?
A cozy hobbit hole should be much nicer than the
wild surface full of monsters.

     – ClanJaguar, Turn 11 (November, Year 1)
Well, the monster certainly seemed to regard that scout as a tasty snack.
I guess we can always make more.

     – ClanJaguar, Turn 10 (October, Year 1)
ClanJaguar rejoices at finding HillDwarves,
so rare in prior worlds. But we still are
seeking Mountain Dwarves and Centaurs
to add to the Clan.

     – ClanJaguar, Turn 9 (September, Year 1)
The Clan Elders rejoice in meeting another good faction.
Meanwhile, hopefully the wandering monsters we've noticed
won't cause too much damage.

     – ClanJaguar, Turn 8 (August, Year 1)
The clan recruiters have found gnomes, elves, halflings, and humans.
Still hoping to find some mountain dwarves and maybe some centaurs too.
Need to spread the scouts even further ...

     – ClanJaguar, Turn 7 (July, Year 1)
Clan Jaguar declares to the world alignment good
(We see no point waiting 10 turns)

It takes time, but numbers begin to expand and the world near us begins to be
revealed by our shiny happy elves.

     – ClanJaguar, Turn 6 (June, Year 1)
Now the Clan finds some neutral folk -
too late, already committed.

At least the scouts are spreading faster now ...

     – ClanJaguar, Turn 5 (May, Year 1)
No alignment options found after searching for two turns: all the same
We must accept our fate - past time to settle and expand.

     – ClanJaguar, Turn 4 (April, Year 1)
Hmm, still not seeing what we want.
The Clan Elders are stubborn, and declare:
We shall wander for another turn.

     – ClanJaguar, Turn 3 (March, Year 1)
The Clan leaders look around, dazed from the jump leaving behind the Nexus.
No, this is not where we want to be.
Prepare the gate for another jump!

... but no, others have warned that most gates are occupied.
We shall explore locally and see what more we can find.

     – ClanJaguar, Turn 2 (February, Year 1)
3rd time in Miskatonic, hope to grow faster this time

     – ClanJaguar, Turn 1 (January, Year 1)

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