Miskatonic 3
Status: Inactive/Completed (turns will not process)

Atlantis Engine: v4.2.127
Rulesset: Miskatonic v1.0.35

Current Turn: #32 (August, Year 3)
Current Players: 23
Players Submitted: 8
Players Remaining: 10

Turn Frequency: All players submitted only
Time Elapsed: 3 years, 8 months, 1 day, 6.7000000000007 hours
Next Turn: n/a

First Player Submitted Reward: 50 unclaimed silver
Early Submitter Reward: 100 unclaimed silver (first 24 hours)
Atlantis Times:
     Article Reward: 100 unclaimed silver
     Rumor Reward: 50 unclaimed silver


There are 16 articles for this faction.

Berori plains. Plains of death. Place of no return. Two factions have already commited suicide. Do we start to hear the wispers too?

     – Skulls, Turn 27 (March, Year 3)
There's been rumors of evil neighbours retiring in favour of a better deal. Yet they still remain. How hard is it to run two factions at once?

     – Skulls, Turn 25 (January, Year 3)
They took our horses TOO? Noizy Monsters! I can smell elves no more. Is that area safe to populate or do we have to give them farts some more time?

     – Skulls, Turn 23 (November, Year 2)
Why, o why? They came from the East and ate OUR elves. Sad days. Only berries left.

     – Skulls, Turn 22 (October, Year 2)
Skulls celebrated after catching a thief. Well, several groups reported catching the same thief. And all of them feasted.

     – Skulls, Turn 21 (September, Year 2)
Time to abandon those smelly swamps. The rumours say that centraur meat is very tasty.

     – Skulls, Turn 19 (July, Year 2)
Ogres got their first stick. So happy. Will make barbeque so much easier. Now for some seasoning.

     – Skulls, Turn 18 (June, Year 2)
Those ogres' hunger is just too much! We might be in trouble because of it.

     – Skulls, Turn 16 (April, Year 2)
We have bad feelings. There's some foul wind blowing from the South. And we're used to swamp smells.

     – Skulls, Turn 15 (March, Year 2)
We've heard the rumors of a fart coallition forming in the South. Dire news indeed.

     – Skulls, Turn 14 (February, Year 2)
We found elves hiding in the forest and took their forces. Bring more, tasty meat.

     – Skulls, Turn 13 (January, Year 2)
Where are they? Where are they? Where are they? Here they are! Ohhh, those tasty elves.

     – Skulls, Turn 12 (December, Year 1)
Are there more tasty elves nearby? The ogres grow hungry which makes them pretty unpredictable.

     – Skulls, Turn 11 (November, Year 1)
The feast has begun on elven meat and elven bones. Their bones are too fragile to be of any use but skulls, skulls ale beautiful.

     – Skulls, Turn 10 (October, Year 1)
Pointy sticks and hard clubs are exacly what we need. Stab and smash, stab and smash.

     – Skulls, Turn 9 (September, Year 1)
The blood is flowing right from the beginning. What a brutal world! Can we survive long enough?

     – Skulls, Turn 8 (August, Year 1)

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