Miskatonic 3
Status: Inactive/Completed (turns will not process)

Atlantis Engine: v4.2.127
Rulesset: Miskatonic v1.0.35

Current Turn: #32 (August, Year 3)
Current Players: 23
Players Submitted: 8
Players Remaining: 10

Turn Frequency: All players submitted only
Time Elapsed: 3 years, 8 months, 1 day, 23.389999999999 hours
Next Turn: n/a

First Player Submitted Reward: 50 unclaimed silver
Early Submitter Reward: 100 unclaimed silver (first 24 hours)
Atlantis Times:
     Article Reward: 100 unclaimed silver
     Rumor Reward: 50 unclaimed silver


There are 31 articles for this faction.

Centaurs are a strong and proud race. They have to eat a lot to fuel their large bodies and are known to overindulge, especially with wine and ale.
This is what gives this very particular and delicious taste. The Master feasts and forget the lack of messenger.

     – The Scoured Legion, Turn 31 (July, Year 3)
The city gates close behind the rearguard of the army, a large cloud of dust fills the horizon.

"Alea jacta est"

The Master doesn't know where this expression comes from but it is the only thought that comes to him.

     – The Scoured Legion, Turn 30 (June, Year 3)
New tribes had joined the ranks of the Legion. The Master ordered that each of them bring him a report of their activity, every month, by messenger.

     – The Scoured Legion, Turn 29 (May, Year 3)
Everyone celebrates the victory, the hordes of humanoids get drunk, rape, loot, burn. But the Master remains alone, no one dares to come and report to him.

     – The Scoured Legion, Turn 28 (April, Year 3)
The Master is reclusive in his dark tower. His face, lit by the torches of his secret laboratory, shows an evil smile.
He knows that tomorrow a mass of reports will arrive... with their messengers.

     – The Scoured Legion, Turn 27 (March, Year 3)
The little goblin messenger kneels in front of the Master and announces the victory in a trembling voice. The Master remains silent for a moment and turns to the horizon, thoughtful.
The little goblin messenger slowly steps back. At the threshold of the door, he turns around and runs off down the stairs leading to the exit of the tower. Unfortunately in his haste, he slips on a step and runs down the steep stairs, his neck hits a step. His lifeless body slumps to the ground.

     – The Scoured Legion, Turn 26 (February, Year 3)
There is a lot of animation in the middle of the village. The Master goes to the top of the tower to watch what is happening. The messengers are back and are gathered at the bottom of the tower. Lots of talking, a few hits. After a moment the mass of messengers parted to let a poor goblin advance, alone, towards the metal door of the dark tower.

     – The Scoured Legion, Turn 25 (January, Year 3)
The master wrote the orders for the cohorts of the legion. Messengers spread across the land to deliver them. The Master is eager to see them return.

     – The Scoured Legion, Turn 24 (December, Year 2)
Two messengers brought the heads of two foreign scouts. The Master was annoyed. Moments later, there were four heads on the floor.

     – The Scoured Legion, Turn 23 (November, Year 2)
Another messenger, bad news again. Thefts are increasing at the border. The Master must react.
He writes new orders, rolls up the paper and inserts it into the messenger's mouth.
With a snap of his finger the Master call for a guard. An ogre approaches and with a great swing of his Maul sends the message and the messenger across the lake to the border.

     – The Scoured Legion, Turn 22 (October, Year 2)
The messenger brings bad news, thefts have taken place in our territories. The Master shrugged.
From his finger, a fireball sprayed the messenger.

     – The Scoured Legion, Turn 21 (September, Year 2)
The tower gives a vast overview of the lakes surrounding the camp. The Master hoped to see raids coming to plunder the coasts of his territory. But that doesn't happen.

     – The Scoured Legion, Turn 20 (August, Year 2)
The Master is pissed off, everything is moving slowly. And more than anything, the chiefs of the gnoll tribes visit him every day to urge him to rally the tribes north of the desert. He knows it won't be quick and easy.

     – The Scoured Legion, Turn 19 (July, Year 2)
The Master walks in the tower. Overseeing the work of mages is one of its main activities. He's not very happy about it but for once he won't cut off the head of one of his acolytes for some obscure reasons.

     – The Scoured Legion, Turn 18 (June, Year 2)
The master believes that training is the best way to maintain morale. Unfortunately last month, no enemy, no rebel was available to stimulate the warlike instincts of the troops.
Then the Master pointed out a stranger, a gnoll with a different coat, and the warriors rushed on him.
There was nothing personal, just practice.

     – The Scoured Legion, Turn 17 (May, Year 2)
The Master doesn't like human. His advisers beg him to recruit a few men from the desert, a people as rough as his gnolls or hobgoblins. The Master hesitates, he knows that they are clever creatures... But he doesn't like humans.

     – The Scoured Legion, Turn 16 (April, Year 2)
Hobgoblins are rarely found in communities where they are not in command of something, slaves or lesser warriors like goblins. Which means that cohabitation is quite tense with the gnoll tribes and meetings between these different groups can turn violent.
The Master know that and try to unite them for a common purpose, such as war against non-evil.
A pair of pointed ears nosed around the settlement, this was the case to test the Master's integration policy.

     – The Scoured Legion, Turn 15 (March, Year 2)
The desert tribes have been reunited. There is still resistance but dissidents are captured and executed every day.
The black tower, made of bones and granite, is erected in the middle of the settlement. The blazing fire which burns at its top in the night attracts other more distant tribes who come to join the Legion.
The Master is happy and kills some renegades with his own hands or pushing them from the top of the tower.
The messengers are reassured that he found this other way to express his satisfaction.

     – The Scoured Legion, Turn 14 (February, Year 2)
The messenger had just announced the victory. The Master, with a quick move, drew his sword and cut off the poor messenger's head.
Yes, when the Master is happy, he kills anyway.

     – The Scoured Legion, Turn 13 (January, Year 2)
All around heard the clamor of the battle. Who won, no one knows yet.
The messenger who arrives has the answer. Will the Master pierce his heart with spite?

     – The Scoured Legion, Turn 12 (December, Year 1)
The warriors leave the camp in single file, following the wizards of the legion.
Torches in the night, the clatter of arms, the silence and darkness of the forest all around.
Tomorrow will be the fury of iron and blood, severed limbs and broken skulls. Everyone thinks about it but remains silent.
All know that few of them will enjoy the booty and the glory. Their master has a certain talent for simulating battles on a paper map, never has one of his plans ever gone as planned.
Torches in the night, the clatter of arms, the silence and darkness of the forest all around.

     – The Scoured Legion, Turn 11 (November, Year 1)
All gnolls have an innate tendency for collecting souvenirs and trophies because they craft very few tools of their own. The result of this is that most gnolls rely on the other races as their source of wealth and technology. We have to find them.

     – The Scoured Legion, Turn 10 (October, Year 1)
In spite of their savage nature, Gnolls have placed a very strong value on the family, respecting blood ties perhaps more than any other aspect of a relationship.
So I had to bind myself by blood to one of these pack leaders to expand into the region.
Although of a beauty above the standards of his race, my new fiance does not please me more than that...

     – The Scoured Legion, Turn 9 (September, Year 1)
Exploration is always an interesting occupation. A good source of information on our environment except when the foreign scouts do not reveal themselves. It may be dangerous for them.

     – The Scoured Legion, Turn 8 (August, Year 1)
Wastelands are strange places. Nothing of value grows but the inhabitants of these regions are very interesting. They do not shine by their intelligence but are robust and very skillful.

     – The Scoured Legion, Turn 7 (July, Year 1)
Hidden in the forest, the tribes are getting ready. The sound of drums of war resound. A few more months and we will launch the assault.

     – The Scoured Legion, Turn 6 (June, Year 1)
The scout approached the first dwellings. The foreign guards did not arrest him. Everything was silent. Reaching the central village square, he paused. At that moment, shadows gradually came out of the houses. He sneered, the inhabitants looked the same as him.

     – The Scoured Legion, Turn 5 (May, Year 1)
Finally, good news is coming from our scouts, a friendly face, full of sharp teeth but still friendly.

     – The Scoured Legion, Turn 4 (April, Year 1)
Finally a friendly tribe. We will recruit some of their warriors, let the adventure begin.

     – The Scoured Legion, Turn 3 (March, Year 1)
we met a tribe of high elves, nothing to get out of it. Let's explore the surroundings.

     – The Scoured Legion, Turn 2 (February, Year 1)
A jump into the unknown. Will the Legion plant its flag in the first piece of land ?
Answer soon...

     – The Scoured Legion, Turn 1 (January, Year 1)

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