Miskatonic 3
Status: Inactive/Completed (turns will not process)

Atlantis Engine: v4.2.127
Rulesset: Miskatonic v1.0.35

Current Turn: #32 (August, Year 3)
Current Players: 23
Players Submitted: 8
Players Remaining: 10

Turn Frequency: All players submitted only
Time Elapsed: 3 years, 8 months, 19.450000000001 hours
Next Turn: n/a

First Player Submitted Reward: 50 unclaimed silver
Early Submitter Reward: 100 unclaimed silver (first 24 hours)
Atlantis Times:
     Article Reward: 100 unclaimed silver
     Rumor Reward: 50 unclaimed silver


There are 26 articles for this faction.

Definitely have the feeling that we are next. Can a few hundred combat 5 dwarves in plate hold off thousands of goblins? Can a few hundred longbow 5 elves turn the tide? The tough part is quality weapons - bows need iron wood, so producing even 20 per turn is a challenge. Mithril is rare on the surface. And even the best general I know can't stand up to two against one. We are surrounded by 4 evil factions, are they working together? If so, don't expect too many more entries here from us.

     – The Defenders, Turn 30 (June, Year 3)
Lord Korel shakes his head at the reports that yet more of the despicable evil factions have been discovered in or near our realm. Even the obvious superiority of the Elvish and Dwarven races can be overwhelmed by scum in huge numbers. We will fight to the finish, and swear to take some of them with us.

This is the way.

     – The Defenders, Turn 28 (April, Year 3)
As we near our target, our spies tell us they have not yet learned that they are about to die. We do not hide, but those who do not look cannot see.

This is the way.

     – The Defenders, Turn 27 (March, Year 3)
The time has come. The troops have been gathered, the wizards have mastered their skills. Lord Korel has given the orders. The Defenders march to war.

This is the way.

     – The Defenders, Turn 26 (February, Year 3)
Our allies call out to us. Although our position is not as strong as we would like, we will answer.

This is the way.

     – The Defenders, Turn 25 (January, Year 3)
The wood elves have been taught the errors of their ways. The gnolls are next, or the goblins? Or both?

     – The Defenders, Turn 24 (December, Year 2)
We don't understand the arrogance of the Nekojin Empire. We massacre their units at every turn. We realize Ogres aren't very bright, but at some point, you have to wonder.

     – The Defenders, Turn 23 (November, Year 2)
The Alliance of the North takes shape. Soon none will stand against us, with Lord Korel leading the charge in armor forged of admantium and an Elven magic sword.

     – The Defenders, Turn 22 (October, Year 2)
The Nekojin Empire hides behind rumors to insult us. They should know that we care not for anything said by such as they.

     – The Defenders, Turn 21 (September, Year 2)
The Nekojin Empire resorts to the lowest form of warfare. Assassination. There is no honor in these ogres. The bounty is doubled.

     – The Defenders, Turn 20 (August, Year 2)
To all factions: Even as evil groups go, the Nekojin Empire is not to be trusted. Their repulsive ogre slaves run rampant over the world, and need to be exterminated. The Defenders will pay a bounty to any faction, good or evil, who can show proof of sending these scum back to the pits of hell from whence they spawned.

     – The Defenders, Turn 19 (July, Year 2)
We are surrounded by evil. The Wood Elves have spoken, and chosen not to join us. We have friends and allies, but they are far away. Lord Korel smiles. We have them where we want them.

     – The Defenders, Turn 18 (June, Year 2)
What strange times are these when evil factions make diplomatic overtures and good factions steal and guard us from moving between our territories. Motsognir (11) had better make contact, and quickly, for Elves are quick to anger, and Dwarves are always angry.

     – The Defenders, Turn 17 (May, Year 2)
Our allies gather. Interlopers will be removed. Now that the wood elves are joining us we are much stronger. Lord Korel is confident in our success.

     – The Defenders, Turn 16 (April, Year 2)
Lord Korel sees many evil scouts in our mountains. We must call out to our allies for help, it seems, or we may be overwhelmed. Thankfully, we have many allies...

     – The Defenders, Turn 15 (March, Year 2)
Lord Korel enters his newly conquered settlement and look around with pride. These elves are inferior, but we can work with them.

     – The Defenders, Turn 13 (January, Year 2)
The forces of good grow strong. Lord Korel is pleased. It is only a matter of time before evil in banished from this world. If you have not yet added your banner to the cause, contact us.

     – The Defenders, Turn 12 (December, Year 1)
Defender Communiques:

Nouada: We see that you are neutral. You must declare good to be welcome in our lands.

Nekojin Empire: You approach territory where you are declared anathema. Return to the pits from whence you rose to delay suffering eternal torment.

     – The Defenders, Turn 10 (October, Year 1)
Communication channels have now been cleared. All who oppose the forces of evil may contact us for protection and cooperation.

     – The Defenders, Turn 9 (September, Year 1)
Although we seek allies, unfortunately our lands are crowded already. Those who land at our gate should try again, or seek communication. Otherwise, we may see the taint (taint, hehe) of evil even when it is not intended.

     – The Defenders, Turn 8 (August, Year 1)
Lord Korel has heard the call of some factions, but there must be more. We must unite and gather our strength to stem the tide of evil.

     – The Defenders, Turn 7 (July, Year 1)
The Orc, the Ogre, the Hobgoblin, and their ilk; these are the enemies of the land. They defile the holy places with their filth, their reek suffuses the forest and must be purged. The Defenders call for all the forces of Good to align against the scum and villainy of the lower races. The must be removed from our world for the cause of Good to thrive. We seek allies in our quest. We await your response.

Lord Korel

     – The Defenders, Turn 5 (May, Year 1)
Lord Korel surveyed the forest with disgust. Who were these "klingons," he wondered, and why did they leave such a mess. With a heavy sigh, he picked up his bag and began to gather trash.

     – The Defenders, Turn 4 (April, Year 1)

     – The Defenders, Turn 3 (March, Year 1)
We didn't land in a place that remotely supports Klingon roleplay. Rewriting history, check back soon.

     – The Defenders, Turn 2 (February, Year 1)

     – The Defenders, Turn 1 (January, Year 1)

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