Miskatonic 3
Status: Inactive/Completed (turns will not process)

Atlantis Engine: v4.2.127
Rulesset: Miskatonic v1.0.35

Current Turn: #32 (August, Year 3)
Current Players: 23
Players Submitted: 8
Players Remaining: 10

Turn Frequency: All players submitted only
Time Elapsed: 3 years, 7 months, 3 weeks, 5 days, 10.939999999999 hours
Next Turn: n/a

First Player Submitted Reward: 50 unclaimed silver
Early Submitter Reward: 100 unclaimed silver (first 24 hours)
Atlantis Times:
     Article Reward: 100 unclaimed silver
     Rumor Reward: 50 unclaimed silver

The Atlantis Times
Turn 12 (December, Year 1)

Pirates found! A average group was hidden in the woods, waiting for the region to become richer to attack.
Thank god we trained a obse unit.
What to do now?

     – Al Garb (12)
The Vain Scientist looked at the corpses. His autopsy findings suggested a massive merfolk assault had caused the casualties.

     – Children of the Four Winds (19)
A Dragon! This hobbit hole turns out to
not be so cozy after all. But since scouts
are crunchy, we can make more ...

     – ClanJaguar (8)
The forces of good grow strong. Lord Korel is pleased. It is only a matter of time before evil in banished from this world. If you have not yet added your banner to the cause, contact us.

     – The Defenders (9)
We now see the true colors of our neighbourgs, and it looks like we all belong to the same brotherhood. Somehow I doubt that this will be a happy family.

     – Fanhunters (21)
Bad mood, bad mood and headache. Ogre, ogre! It will definetly end badly soon for someone. Small favours protect well against big troubles in future.

     – Hammerheads (14)
It seems we discovered how to get plows and shovels. Investment into research is the investment into future. Future of our agricultural empire.

     – Joyful People (10)
A year has gone, its been a good year, expansion is on track. Plans for next year are to remove the guards from a city or two.

     – Malibuwest (15)
So, decisions have been made, crossroads left behind our brave man.
Heroes live only once, and there is no tales told about men who turned back on their own crossroads. Those men, who turn back are just forgotten.
So we went to the... Yes, to the right. Evil direction.

     – People of the Lie (20)
All around heard the clamor of the battle. Who won, no one knows yet.
The messenger who arrives has the answer. Will the Master pierce his heart with spite?

     – The Scoured Legion (18)
Where are they? Where are they? Where are they? Here they are! Ohhh, those tasty elves.

     – Skulls (26)
"I told you we should not leave it to the ogres to measure their own weight." said Lorelei to Edwin and put two more longs onto the campfire.
"Who would have thought it's so easy to overburden that thing? And who would have thought that ogres are so damn heavy?" Edwin replied.
"Hindsight is 20-20. They have already pulled the ship to shore and they will replace the lost oars in no time. We'll be on our way in a few days." said Zodd.
"It's a pity those sandlings only had one horse. We could be on our way by land by now." complained Lorelei.
"I prefer ships over mounts. You can't do anything useful while riding a horse." said Edwin.
"Too bumpy for your wizard ass? You should try riding a giant spider then. 8 legs provide a smooth ride." suggested Lorelei.
"No thanks. Nothing short of a dragon would persuade me to get into a saddle." replied Edwin.
"You are no fun at all." said Lorelei then changed the subject. "Have you decided on a name for the ship?" she asked Edwin.
"As a matter of fact I have." replied Edwin.
"Yes? What is it?" asked Zodd.
"Come and see. The goblins should have finished painting it by now." said Edwin and led the other two to the shore.
"Ann Devour? Who's that?" asked Lorelei with a frown then she burst out laughing. "I get it! They were supposed to write Endeavour but they can't spell for shit am I right?"
"We really need to find some humans. Or any literate race." said Edwin with a sigh.
"I don't know. I kind of like their version of the name better." said Lorelei still laughing.

     – Wandering Monsters (16)
- Hey, officer, who is that guy who jumping to the ocean with the sword and getting back?
- We call this lizardman a 'Seal'. He is slightly off.
- I don't think so... Hire 10 more.

     – Windmasters (13)

Have they noticed yet that guarding everything is a bad move?
Sky Raiders (24) and Windmasters (13) should form alliance of the fart's kings
Larger armies will start to appear, look out for armed men with a purpose.
At least the grizzly bears aren't so threatening right? Maybe there's a couple of killable monsters.
Tasting halfling as a chicken,
Tiny bones and nasty meat,
But their screaming makes me glinting
Chewing over tiny feet
There are demons rising everywhere, answering to both evil and good prayers.
Some liars are truly a liars.
Never trust them. Never.
Hopefully we will reach a point where forgetting to send a rumor to the times is not cause for financial ruin.
Beware of longboats. They are deadly for their crews and passengers.
Sky Raiders [24] looks very popular last turn. Why is it so?
Good factions will not last long. Soon evil will rule all the lands!
Big island in the underworld.
Is that true or not?
Time will tell

Atlantis Tools v1.108 (5/1/2023)