Miskatonic 3
Status: Inactive/Completed (turns will not process)

Atlantis Engine: v4.2.127
Rulesset: Miskatonic v1.0.35

Current Turn: #32 (August, Year 3)
Current Players: 23
Players Submitted: 8
Players Remaining: 10

Turn Frequency: All players submitted only
Time Elapsed: 3 years, 7 months, 3 weeks, 6 days, 12.66 hours
Next Turn: n/a

First Player Submitted Reward: 50 unclaimed silver
Early Submitter Reward: 100 unclaimed silver (first 24 hours)
Atlantis Times:
     Article Reward: 100 unclaimed silver
     Rumor Reward: 50 unclaimed silver

The Atlantis Times
Turn 27 (March, Year 3)

It seems that peace is coming. We hope we can enjoy for a while. But the koblods are restless.

     – Al Garb (12)
The Vain Scientist was proud this week - orders submitted after 23.99 hours, thereby achieving maximum efficiency by allowing the most time to consider orders without missing out on economic bonuses.

     – Children of the Four Winds (19)
As we near our target, our spies tell us they have not yet learned that they are about to die. We do not hide, but those who do not look cannot see.

This is the way.

     – The Defenders (9)
The sea is calling. It promises nothing but empty areas and the ocasional dragon, but it is a strong call none the less.

     – Fanhunters (21)
The next month was difficult, but easier than the previous one. Logistics is adjusted, residents are fed.

     – Joyful People (10)
Not much to report this turn, more cities are falling. Our scouts are blocked in all directions.

     – Malibuwest (15)
**Sir. Your troops are going to be strong. Drunk. But strong.
*Thank you. Give them more wine.
**Ye, Sir.

     – Motsognir (11)
Hobgoblins train combat, collect taxes, dig iron, make tools, raise hordes of ponies. Nice. Earning money in different ways to pay for studies in our university. Yes, we have not even started to build it, but they doesn't know that:)

     – People of the Lie (20)
The Master is reclusive in his dark tower. His face, lit by the torches of his secret laboratory, shows an evil smile.
He knows that tomorrow a mass of reports will arrive... with their messengers.

     – The Scoured Legion (18)
Berori plains. Plains of death. Place of no return. Two factions have already commited suicide. Do we start to hear the wispers too?

     – Skulls (26)
Zodd looked through the expense reports with a frown. "Our income shrunk quite a bit last month." he noted.
"What did you expect? We were recruiting troops like crazy in the last few weeks. Ogres and minotaurs eat a lot." replied Lorelei.
"We'll recoup our expenses after we've taken that elven city. Building that road network in the underworld should also bring a few thousand extra silver each month." said Edwin.
"It's a drop in a bucket compared to the riches of those cities on the Great Plains our competitors have conquered." said Zodd.
"It can't be helped. If we can't compete by quality we should compete by quantity." suggested Lorelei.

     – Wandering Monsters (16)
- Your majesty the new year party was cool but our messenger got drunk and forgot to deliver mails.
- Any losses?
- Thanks goods - no, but our plans are delayed.

     – Windmasters (13)

The sun is shining, the stars are smiling. Sing my dwarf, sing.
Fear that rattles in men's ears
And rears its hideous head!
Dread, death in the wind

Man of steel pray and kneel
With fever's blazing torch
Thrust in the face of the night;
Draws a blade of compassion
Kissed by countless kings
Whose jeweled trumpet words blind his sight

Walls that no man thought would fall
The altars of the just
Crushed, dust in the wind
Joyful People don't know he's taken over an evil faction, he begs Malibuwest to make peace with him
Bashing and ramming our way through the trees
Slaying and eating all creatures we see
Nothing can stop us from doing as we please
Masters of the wild, the Trollish way to be
Rage, hunger, bloodlust and hate
Must find food before it's too late
Frenzied berserkers, havoc we create
Rending your flesh apart, troll-bait!
What is this puny creature, this useless waste of space
Annoying little treefolk called the Dryad race
Listen tiny buggers, you shall be our food
And all your magic treasure will be ours to loot
The dragon answered, before knowing it was a collect call.
There is a rumor that there will be more rumors in the coming months
Evil Forces splitting in three parteis. Who will attack the others first?
Rumor is: "Wandering Monsters" is pushing for destroying whole Evil parties.
You cannot frighten others if you yourself do not have the strength, you will be punished.
Evil factions have their eye on the mountains of Baidinon. Will the current tenants leave peacefully?
Roses are red, Windmasters are dead. Sea is blue, Saints are dead too.
Joyful people doesn't seem so joyful. They come with mithril swords and magic fire.
We have all exits covered. You will not survive more than one year period

Atlantis Tools v1.108 (5/1/2023)