Miskatonic 3
Status: Inactive/Completed (turns will not process)

Atlantis Engine: v4.2.127
Rulesset: Miskatonic v1.0.35

Current Turn: #32 (August, Year 3)
Current Players: 23
Players Submitted: 8
Players Remaining: 10

Turn Frequency: All players submitted only
Time Elapsed: 3 years, 8 months, 23.75 hours
Next Turn: n/a

First Player Submitted Reward: 50 unclaimed silver
Early Submitter Reward: 100 unclaimed silver (first 24 hours)
Atlantis Times:
     Article Reward: 100 unclaimed silver
     Rumor Reward: 50 unclaimed silver


There are 11 articles for this faction.

**Sir. Your troops are going to be strong. Drunk. But strong.
*Thank you. Give them more wine.
**Ye, Sir.

     – Motsognir, Turn 27 (March, Year 3)
*What happend last week? I have a strange feeling. But no memories.
**Sir! Nothing special.

     – Motsognir, Turn 22 (October, Year 2)
*Move SE
*Study Comb
*Buy 5 MDWA
*Fars ...
**Sir! What are you talking about?
*Move SE
*Study Comb
**Sir! I understand the words but not the context.
*Move SE ...
**Send a pigeon for the doctor. Hurry! Our Lord is talking delusionary, again! Hurry.
*Move SE ...
**I do not know where this is coming from, but this behaviour keeps repeating itself every three days or so.

     – Motsognir, Turn 21 (September, Year 2)
**Sir! We found land. Land for your Kingdom. Sir.
*Your work will be rewarded. Soon.
**Thank you Sir.

     – Motsognir, Turn 19 (July, Year 2)
**Sir! We found it! It is done.
*Finally. Bless you and thank the gods. Now, we go on with plans.

     – Motsognir, Turn 7 (July, Year 1)
**Sir. One of your man got lost.
*Who was it?
**Lea Der. He was one of your cousins. Brother. Or was he your nephew?
*Mostly, he was drunk all the time! No loss at all.

     – Motsognir, Turn 6 (June, Year 1)
**Sir! Still no sign of land. It seems unreal here. Monsters. Whitches.
*Well well, you are talking about my wife.

     – Motsognir, Turn 5 (May, Year 1)
**Sir. Scout have not replied yet.
**Sir, do you belive we will find land for your kingdom?
*Time will tell. Now shut up and bring me wine.

     – Motsognir, Turn 4 (April, Year 1)
**Sir, we found your wife. She is healthy but moody.
**Sir, why are you running? Your wife is in the other direction. Sir?!1

     – Motsognir, Turn 3 (March, Year 1)
**Sir! We stranded in a swamp. Full of nasty things. I do not like it here!
*Shut up. Do your research where to build our kingdom. Now!

     – Motsognir, Turn 2 (February, Year 1)
**Sir. It seems some of your opponents do not appreciate your decision fighting them!
*May the Gods be with them.
**Sir, they even cursed you ending in hell. Your wife heard this...she started packing your stuff!
*For God's s......

**We have ended in hell. Your troops, Sir. They are all gone. All of them. Sir!
*Is my wife also gone?

     – Motsognir, Turn 1 (January, Year 1)

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