Miskatonic 3
Status: Inactive/Completed (turns will not process)

Atlantis Engine: v4.2.127
Rulesset: Miskatonic v1.0.35

Current Turn: #32 (August, Year 3)
Current Players: 23
Players Submitted: 8
Players Remaining: 10

Turn Frequency: All players submitted only
Time Elapsed: 3 years, 7 months, 3 weeks, 6 days, 3.880000000001 hours
Next Turn: n/a

First Player Submitted Reward: 50 unclaimed silver
Early Submitter Reward: 100 unclaimed silver (first 24 hours)
Atlantis Times:
     Article Reward: 100 unclaimed silver
     Rumor Reward: 50 unclaimed silver

The Atlantis Times
Turn 18 (June, Year 2)

We have found someone. Good news is that it is an inspiration to the evil masses.

     – Al Garb (12)
The Vain Scientist turned his gaze towards metallurgy. "Quick, we must find good sources of iron! Try and secure better mountains than this thin strip of metal-deficient land! Send scouts down any shaft they can fit in"

     – Children of the Four Winds (19)
We are surrounded by evil. The Wood Elves have spoken, and chosen not to join us. We have friends and allies, but they are far away. Lord Korel smiles. We have them where we want them.

     – The Defenders (9)
Do tourism, they said. You will meet a lot of interesting people, they said. What they didn't said is that they may be interested in skinning you alive just because you forgot your papers.

     – Fanhunters (21)
Monsters, monsters, monsters. Whereever we go - monsters. Better observers - more monsters. How it is possible , monsters din't eat our goblins yet ?

     – Hammerheads (14)
We found some wood. Wood is good, we can build Farms and Mills, we can create spears to hunt for fur, or crossbows to protect our peasants from monsters. What is going on in the rest of the World?

     – Joyful People (10)
No theft this month, have the thieves gone or just hiding? Lookout must still be vigilante.

     – Malibuwest (15)
Hm, new race. Cobolds. So weak, that they barely can walk. And they say, they are specialists in quarrying? Ahahahaha:)
But since we don't have any better choice, we will have to enslave them.

     – People of the Lie (20)
The Master walks in the tower. Overseeing the work of mages is one of its main activities. He's not very happy about it but for once he won't cut off the head of one of his acolytes for some obscure reasons.

     – The Scoured Legion (18)
Ogres got their first stick. So happy. Will make barbeque so much easier. Now for some seasoning.

     – Skulls (26)
"Finally!" sighed Edwin as he glanced at the lights of the city of Banyc at the distance then he sat down next to a stalagtite and pulled off his comfortable pirate boots to massage his feet.
"It doesn't look that impressive." said Lorelei with dissappointment in her voice.
"What do you expect from kobolds?" asked Zodd and spat. "I'm surprised they have managed to build a city at all."
"What do you have against kobolds?" asked Edwin.
"Nothing. They are weak and pathetic creatures. We'll have an easy task taking that city." replied Zodd then left them to organize the troops.
"What's with him and kobolds?" asked Edwin from Lorelei.
"Long story. Zodd was summoned by a kobold warlock once long ago. The foolish creature somehow managed to get himself killed in the process of the ritual and Zodd spent weeks sitting in the middle of a warded summoning circle." explained Lorelei.
"How did he escape?" asked Edwin.
"He didn't. Some demon hunters located him and banished him back to the pits of hell. Don't bring up the subject in his presence. He's still mad about it after two centuries." said the succubus.
"I assume he's looking forward to our next battle then?" asked the wizard.
"Hell yeah. Just don't be surprised if he accidentally kills a few kobolds fighting on our side as well." said Lorelei.
"Well, we have over five hundred of them. A dozen or two won't make a difference." said Edwin with a shrug and pulled his boots back on.

     – Wandering Monsters (16)
What a beautiful view from this mountain.
Ocean, forest, and plains.
Let's build a fortress here.

     – Windmasters (13)

Havoc is coming. We all know where it will lead.
Skins of Jaguars are going low. very low for some time, after that they will be rare and valuable.
Rillen city must fell in few months. It's too rich and well located to stay free for so long.
MalibuWest (15) makes laugh everybody with his armies of little men
scouting the lands is a dangerous thing, monster and guards are everywhere.
The Hammerheads were ambushed by Fartmasters. Death from farts what a shame!
Mortals! They think they can resist us. They can't. We already settled in their heads.
Swamps! Endless swamps! Where the heck are we? It is a bog world.
Lights are illuminating underground passages, and the denizens are not happy.
Is it me or are the city garrisons a bit nastier than they used to be?
Strange outcroppings of precious minerals are appearing where there are no miners to discover them.
Sir, we have located some moles.
Nonsense! We thoroughly check every man we recruit.
Sir! I meant the animals. Giant moles in the underworld.
I see. Send a hunting party and eradicate them. I could use a new set of gloves.
Sir! They are not that kind of monsters. Our kennel master thinks we could train them as mounts.
Good. Get it done.

Atlantis Tools v1.108 (5/1/2023)