Miskatonic 3
Status: Inactive/Completed (turns will not process)

Atlantis Engine: v4.2.127
Rulesset: Miskatonic v1.0.35

Current Turn: #32 (August, Year 3)
Current Players: 23
Players Submitted: 8
Players Remaining: 10

Turn Frequency: All players submitted only
Time Elapsed: 3 years, 7 months, 2 weeks, 6 days, 15.880000000001 hours
Next Turn: n/a

First Player Submitted Reward: 50 unclaimed silver
Early Submitter Reward: 100 unclaimed silver (first 24 hours)
Atlantis Times:
     Article Reward: 100 unclaimed silver
     Rumor Reward: 50 unclaimed silver

The Atlantis Times
Turn 7 (July, Year 1)

And we have found another new faction (with the same aligmnent). This is good news :)

     – Al Garb (12)
The General looked at the reports received from the scouts. "There's a dragon lair HOW close to the gate?"
The Ambassador looked at his reports, and said "there are HOW MANY factions nearby, and we're already being blocked?"
It seems this is a very crowded world. The committee met, and decided the moment there are spare tax funds to start chopping down trees for a longship out of this area.

     – Children of the Four Winds (19)
The clan recruiters have found gnomes, elves, halflings, and humans.
Still hoping to find some mountain dwarves and maybe some centaurs too.
Need to spread the scouts even further ...

     – ClanJaguar (8)
Lord Korel has heard the call of some factions, but there must be more. We must unite and gather our strength to stem the tide of evil.

     – The Defenders (9)
It is good to have good relations with the neighbors. There is so much potential around us, and so little number of able minions. Maybe in a couple of seasons this side of the woods will look much different thanks to the joint effort.

     – Fanhunters (21)
Wonderfull area. Swamps, jungles and swamps. Rich in goblins! We continue to build our empire of goblins.

     – Hammerheads (14)
Finally, we managed to get some cows there. But they turned out to be too tasty to live longer than a month. And in general, it's weird, what does it mean "to get cows"? Grow, of course!

     – Joyful People (10)
All of a sudden we are surrounded, good and evil factions to the east, west, north.

     – Malibuwest (15)
**Sir! We found it! It is done.
*Finally. Bless you and thank the gods. Now, we go on with plans.

     – Motsognir (11)
Plains, plains, plains.
Sea. Does this map consists of just plains with small pieces of forests and ocean?

     – People of the Lie (20)
Wastelands are strange places. Nothing of value grows but the inhabitants of these regions are very interesting. They do not shine by their intelligence but are robust and very skillful.

     – The Scoured Legion (18)
"Burn burn burn!" roared the ogre and lit the bush on fire.
"Very good." said Edwin and the ogre's face lit up.
"Burn thank boss. Burn proud. Burn no good at fight. Now Burn feel strong." roared Burn.
"Good. But don't go pick fights with your comrades. I didn't teach you fire so you could kill other ogres. There will be plenty to burn soon enough. I promise. Where's your cousin?"
"Night rain kill fire. Burn go make new fire. Goblin bring food. Burn help cook." replied Burn.
"I see. Making himself useful. At least he's practicing. But we really need to find another name to call you." Edwin said.
"What wrong with Burn?" asked the ogre.
"I need to be able to tell the two of you apart. Can't call both of you Burn. How about Spark? Flame? Scorch?" asked Edwin.
"No. Burn no like. Flame small. Spark, Scorch no burn. Burn is best." replied the ogre.
"Fine. Then how about Burrrn? With a long and srong R?" sighed Edwin.
"Good. Burrrn like it." said Burrrn.
"Very well. Burn and Burrrn it is. So now that the two of you can hurl fireballs what should I teach you next? Spirit or pattern?" asked Edwin.
"Spear it? Burrrn no good with spear. Burrrn like fire. Pattin? What pattin be?" replied the ogre.
"Never mind. Let's keep practicing fire. Try to burn that tree down next." sighed Edwin and went back to his own studies.

     – Wandering Monsters (16)
- Your majesty, we've started construction of our first ship.
- Excellent. Name it "Longhand of Good". Put our "Orc Guards" as a crew on it.

     – Windmasters (13)

Some gnolls will die next month. Nobody asked you to come here, blame your leader, not us.
Do we need write this rumors ? We need some silver but not long.
A time of great migration is upon us. But will it be enough?
A blind man in Tar-tor has captured the smell of law in a glass vial.
How do you keep Nouada[5] busy for 2 days?
Give him a piece of parchment that has "Please turn over" written on both sides.
Roaming monsters of the world are mounting an attack on these newcomers
It's getting crowded underground as well. Spotted two other factions already.
Bog things, and Krakens, and more Krakens, oh my my!
Has or has not, this work have been done.
And all we know we will endure.
Pathetic mortals. We were forced to suspend human sacrifices until we find new you.

Atlantis Tools v1.108 (5/1/2023)